Getting in Touch

Every child and every family is unique, and our approach is tailored to honor each one.

If you would like to consider working together, please respond to the questions below to help us identify needs. We will be in touch within 24 hours with a suggested time for a gratis 15-minute phone call to suggest a plan of action.

Sometimes the plan is just a phone consultation or maybe a home visit with a written action plan at the end; sometimes it's several visits to develop a deeper understanding of the individual need and a practical plan of coaching toward becoming a happier, healthier family.

Phone consults begin at $75/hour

Initial home visits begin at $375 for 3 hours

. . . with many possible additions, exceptions and "hmmmm, let's figure this out" to be determined when we decide to work together. We'll both agree on an initial approach before any payment for services is made.

We serve clients across the globe using technology such as Skype, FaceTime ZOOM, Voxer and Whatsapp.

Hand in Hand Resources and Consulting

Let's be in touch....first step is the giving me your information and answering the three questions below. 

After we talk and if we decide to work together I'll ask you to fill out and submit the much more extensive Client Profile History also below. 


Make a payment here!
