If you are interested in the TBRI© family-based intervention or any of the services we provide, click here


For those who have lived for any length of time in a country other than the one which issued your passport, spent time as a relief worker, in government foreign service, as a member of the armed forces, or even a church mission trip — coming "home" to a country that feels anything but homelike is often a major transition.

We help plan strategies for children, teens, adults and entire families to transition well — whether they're coming "home" forever, for college or just visiting and returning to a field assignment.

We debrief third culture kids — adult (ATCKs) and child (TCKs) as well as those who have had short- or longer-term cross-cultural experiences. Your stories are important, your insights needed, your experiences valued by Hand in Hand! We'll lend a hand and help you entering your next season of life well.